Weekly Calculator | Currently not working

With this calculator you are able to calculate your overtime for a whole week.
Enter your arrival time, your break time and lastly your overtime for every day.

How does the calculation work?

The calculation is based on the following formula:
-- Still in work ---


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

  • Day
  • Arrival
  • Break
  • Overtime
  • Mo
  • Tu
  • We
  • Th
  • Fr


  • Monday
  • 00:00

  • Tuesday
  • 00:00

  • Wednesday
  • 00:00

  • Thursday
  • 00:00

  • Friday
  • 00:00


Q: How much overtime is allowed?

A: The law states that you are only allowed to work 60h a week.

Q: Are there taxes on my overtime payment?

A: Yes, there are! The same taxes from your normal pay apply to your overtime pay.